March 2016

News Articles in Month

Newsletter 2016-03

Posted 30 March 2016 18:09 by Jono

Please see the latest news in our fantastic club newsletter, courtesy of Pete Reynolds, below!
Newsletter 2016-03.pdf

Tea Duties – Volunteers Required

Posted 25 March 2016 13:37 by peter.j.reynolds

We are looking for volunteers to carry out Tea Duties on Saturday and Sundays at Spring Farm Park or our 3rd team home matches in Billericay. If you are interested please let Jas Hothi know or any of the committee and let Jas know if you would like to volunteer for senior matches, junior matches or both , as well as the day you would prefer.

Last year we had around 5 volunteers, which ensured our volunteers only had to do the teas once a month, so the more the merrier.

This is a very important role within the club, so if anyone could offer their services it would be very much appreciated.


Nat West Cricketforce Weekend – Thank You

Posted 23 March 2016 18:19 by peter.j.reynolds

Well done to all the volunteers that took part in the Nat West Cricketforce weekend. All the list of jobs were achieved with the revelation of a new umpires room being created. The nets are ready for the new season, the back tidied up, as well as the container, tables sanded and wood stained,the patio and clubhouse jet washed and the kit room has been plaster boarded thanks to the efforts of Mickey Clifford,  Steve Jackson and Harry Light.

The bar and kitchen are ready to be used and the clubhouse in general looks cleaner and tidier, so as club members we should all keep it that way throughout the season.

Volunteers that attended on either day, not already mentioned were Abdal Altaf, Charlie Puncher, Tyler Bunn, Ronnie Jackson, Fraser Oates, Hayden Musham, Ethan Musham, Jamie Eacott, Will Knowlden, Lee Carter, Brearley, Debbi Blackman Little, Jamie Little, Bobby Little, Raj Hothi, Ben Little, Joe Attfield, Jono, Alex Sullivan, Flynn Treanor, Pete Allen, Eddie Spear, our table shiners Graham Burr, Jason Downton, Jas Hothi.

Special thanks to Sharon Adkins and Suzanne Treanor for providing the food, Paul Oates for providing the leaf blower and cleaning the patio and to Keith Light for organising the works and putting in a double shift. Apologies to anyone I may have missed out.



Nat West Cricketforce Weekend 19th/20th March 2016

Posted 9 March 2016 20:43 by peter.j.reynolds

Our Nat West Cricketforce weekend will take place this year on 19th and 20th March from 10am each day to ensure our facilities are in good order prior to the season commencing. Examples of the type of work that will be required during the weekend are as follows, so if you could spare a few hours on either day it would be much appreciated:

Paint gent toilets, clear shrubs and weeds from rear of clubhouse, paint equipment room,  paint and clean external brickwork, clear, clean and repaint lines in external nets, sand and stain clubhoes tables 

If you have any paint brushes or cutting tools to remove the weeds and shrubs please bring them along.

Food & drink will be provided on the day, kindly preapred by Suzanne Treanor. Nat West cricketforce tee shirts will be provided for the first 25 volunteers, which will save you getting your own clothes dirty.  It’s normally an enjoyable weekend so come along and ensure our club is ready for the new season.